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Destination weddings are the perfect excuse to turn one day of celebration into a fun-filled weekend! Many of your guests will likely be there for a few days around your wedding. That said, hosting a welcome party for your guests is a fun way to kick off your wedding weekend!


Discovering and Marketing Your Unique Selling Point: My Interview on Gold Biz Podcast

spotify | apple podcast | stitcher If you struggle with talking about yourself, knowing what sets you apart, understanding your why, and how to communicate these things effectively to clients, then you’re going to want to read this post. I’m doing something a little different and sharing an interview I did on The Gold Biz Podcast. We dove into […]


Becoming a Lead Generation Machine WITHOUT Social Media with Rachel Traxler

spotify | apple podcast | stitcher Marketing is consistently changing, and the days of being able to make a post on Instagram and see a bunch of inquiries come in is just not the reality anymore. We have to start learning how to build our business marketing strategies that go beyond just being present on social media.  My guest […]


spotify | apple podcast | stitcher Do you struggle when you’re on a discovery call and want to know how to lead them and know if they were successful? In this snapshots episode, we are covering a question that was submitted by quite a few of you and that was how to lead a discovery call. Discovery calls have […]


How I Lead a Discovery Call as a Photographer

spotify | apple podcast | stitcher A huge goal for so many photographers is to reach six figures, whether that just looks like a hundred thousand or you actually have the goal to profit six figures, which I personally do yearly. As someone who has gone from charging $2K for weddings to charging $5K for weddings, and then now […]


The Difference Between a $2000 and $5000 Wedding Photographer
Biggest Lesson for Associate Team

spotify | apple podcast | stitcher Have you wanted to build a photography associate team so that you can stop trading your time for income? I am so excited because this is the first Snapshots episode on All Angles Photography Podcast! The Snapshots series was created to answer your biggest business questions, and today, we are diving into a […]


spotify | apple podcast | stitcher All Angles is officially 2 years old! I cannot believe it! When I started this podcast in May of 2022, I had no idea how much I would love podcasting, how much this would grow, and how much fulfillment it would bring into my life.  So, today, thinking about the future of All […]


Bookings Are Different This Year in the wedding industry. Let's talk about it in this photography podcast episode.


spotify | apple podcast | stitcher Inquiries and bookings seem to be slower and you’re getting ghosted more than ever? If this is happening to you, you aren’t alone, and your feelings are valid.  BUT this episode is here to give you some real things to think about, to ponder on, because what got you where you are now […]

spotify | apple podcast | stitcher Are you about to make a big move, or thinking about making one soon? It can be scary, especially if you already have an established business where you are, but I know from experience that it’s possible.  I moved my photography business from Tennessee to Colorado just within one year of starting my […]


How to Move Your Photography Business to a New State

Want to get married outside, surrounded by Colorado beauty, without having to drive to a remote location? Then read about this Blackstone Rivers Ranch wedding!